Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 7: Thoughts on Proverbs 27:19

"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man."
~ Proverbs 27:19

Simple but true. Most of us look in the mirror everyday (some more than others, but hey, that's another verse for another day). We check to make sure our hair is in place, see how that "blemish" is doing, or make sure nothing is hanging out of our nose.

And that's all well and good. But how often do we look a little deeper at the condition of our heart. Although you're having an awesome hair day, that's not gonna be what people see when they really look at you. The condition of your heart says the most about what you are.

Great example: Hollywood. Who do we see in Hollywood? Some of the most beautiful people in the world right? Yeah, if you have the mindset that beauty only runs skin deep. It's our ability to look past the outside into the heart of people to know the truth. Look at the wonderful example many of the people in Hollywood are setting for our youth.

When you look in the mirror and you see you have a stain on your shirt you change it. Sometimes you change your whole outfit. Sin stains our heart. Jesus gets rid of sin. As corny as it sounds, Jesus is Tide for the heart.

We have to take a look at our own hearts; they make us who we are, not the clothes we wear, not the way we wear our hair, not the number of pimples we have, not how fat or skinny we are.

I ask you right now to take a look at your heart. Is it blemished? Is it stained with sin? Have you lied to someone you love? Are you harboring unforgiveness against a friend? Your wear your heart on your sleeve whether you know it or not.

As Christians, our hearts are always on display. It is a huge responsibility that our hearts be clean at all times. And though it is tough in the world we live in, we can be shining examples to all who come into contact with us in our daily lives with the help of the Lord.

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